Monday, August 17, 2020


     Well, it's been an exciting couple of months for me. Big "THANK YOU" to everyone who has read my short stories, and an extra shout out to all of you who left me a review. I'm really grateful for all the feedback, and so happy I sat down and did it. Putting these private bits of my life out there for anyone to read is a strange, and frankly, satisfying experience. Thanks to all of you who came on the ride with me.

    So what have I been up to? Lock down has eased up a bit, but we've been sticking pretty close to home most of the time. It's been unreasonably hot here in sunny Southend, but the heat has eased off the last couple of days, which suits me just fine. I'm ready for autumn. When the kids go back to school I'll get back to writing, but for now I'm enjoying this last bit of peace and having them home with me. It's been a weird year and it's so strange to think that summer is almost over already. Mostly I've been listening to music and scrolling social media. This week I'll start going through everyone's clothes and seeing what new school bits they need and preparing to switch out the summer clothes for warmer stuff. 

    Next month I'm off on a weekend trip to Scotland. It'll be my first time going there, so I'm quite excited for that. Still not entirely sure what we'll be doing when we get there, but we'll be near Edinburgh, so I'm sure there will be lots to do and see. If you've got any suggestions, drop them in the comments! 

    Hope you're all keeping cool and comfortable wherever you are.