Friday, May 29, 2020

A long Absence

      So it's been a few years. I haven't been very good about keeping up with the blog (obviously) and I'm not entirely sure what to do with it now. Scrap the whole thing? Start a new one? Try to resurrect this? I'm at a bit of a loss.
      Updates! I'm on meds, but I am forever non-compliant. Stopping and starting, adjusting my own dosage. It's not ideal but it's there when things get bad. I always wind up back on them. I've got this idea that things will be back to "normal" when I can get off them again for good. It's hard to get rid of that idea when I had 18 good years without them. But maybe I need to adjust my idea of "normal". I guess time will tell. 
      Last week was Mental Health Awareness week. I made some social media posts and one of them had a good turn out. I really wasn't expecting that, but it felt good to see so many people relate. This week I did the Interview With A Schizophrenic podcast. I was really nervous and I don't know if I said everything I meant to say, but it was an overall good experience. It's available on Apple podcasts and Spotify if anyone wants to give it a listen. Episode 9. I found all the episodes worth a listen.
      I think I want to get into mental health advocacy, but I'm not exactly sure where or how to begin. It's definitely something to think more about though. If anyone has an clue where I should begin, give me a shout in the comments. I'd love to hear your thoughts.