Friday, June 12, 2020

June showers

    Well, we've just ordered the first paperback copy of my short story, so that's exciting. I've been sticking to my 1000 word minimum for 3 days so far, so my next story is coming along nicely. McDonald's is open again and delivering, so Friday night dinner is sorted. If the sun would just make an appearance, things would be perfect.
    Perfection would be boring, though, let's face it. Nobody really wants that.
    So I've been listening to lots of music lately. Always a good sign when I can enjoy music without getting delusional. My painting supplies won't be getting here until July, so I had to do a coloured pencil sketch for my book cover. I'm still planning on painting this concept when the paints come in, with a few little tweaks. 
    That's really all the news I have to share at the moment. Hope you're all doing well out there. Buy my ebook on Amazon! We All Fall Down, by Shannon Humphreys. It's free on Kindle unlimited!

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